The concluding CAP workshop is planned to be hosted in Beijing at Peking University on September 2, 2018, as a satellite event of CONFESTA. Details of the workshop are available in the dedicated page.
Paper accepted in IJCAI’18
The joint work between ISCAS, University of Liverpool, and University of Technology Sydney about model checking probabilistic epistemic logic for probabilistic multiagent systems has been accepted in IJCAI’18.
Paper accepted in PLDI’18
The joint work between ISCAS, Academia Sinica, University of Freiburg, and Brno University of Technology about advanced automata-based algorithms for program termination checking has been accepted in PLDI’18.
Paper accepted in VMCAI’18
The joint work between ISCAS and University of Liverpool about learning to complement Büchi automata has been accepted in VMCAI’18.
SETTA’17 best paper award
The SETTA paper about the polynomial-time alternating probabilistic bisimulation for interval MDPs has been awarded with the SETTA’17 best paper award.
Two papers accepted in SETTA’17
The joint work between ISCAS, SAU, and Masdar Institute of Science and Technology about the polynomial-time alternating probabilistic bisimulation for interval MDPs and the joint work between ISCAS and East China Normal University about equivalence checking of nondeterministic finite automata…
Paper accepted in CONCUR’17
The joint work between ISCAS and University of Technology Sydney about model checking ω-regular properties for Markov quantum chains has been accepted in CONCUR’17.
Paper accepted in QEST’17
The joint work between ISCAS, SAU, and Oxford University about multi-objective robust strategy synthesis for interval MDPs has been accepted at QEST’17.
Two papers accepted in TACAS’17
The joint work between ISCAS and RWTH, together with the Universidad Nacional de Cordoba and the University of Twente, about JANI, a quantitative model and tool interaction specification has been accepted at TACAS’17. Also the ISCAS work, together with Academia Sinica,…
First CAP workshop
The first CAP workshop is planned to be host in Heidelberg, as a satellite event of CAV. Details of the workshop proposal are available in the dedicated page.